Motherhood is hard
But it doesn't have to be
At Villagehood Australia, we understand that motherhood can be challenging and overwhelming.
From second-guessing every decision to feeling guilty about everything, losing one's identity, having no time for basic self-care, and feeling lonely, motherhood can be hard. It is as if everyone just accepts that this is the way it has to be. But we believe there is another way.
In March 2020, our founder Dinah Thomasset, along with other likeminded mothers, created Villagehood Australia, a village of peers and professionals dedicated to supporting the health and wellbeing of mothers and children in the early years, and ultimately, to transforming the way we see and experience motherhood.
Over the years, Villagehood Australia has built a strong network of mothers, professionals, and volunteers, and we are proud of the positive impact we have made so far.

It takes a village to raise a mother and her child
At Villagehood Australia, we know that motherhood can be very challenging especially in the early years and we want to ensure that every mother receives the support she needs to protect her mental wellbeing and feel empowered in her role.
Our community of caring mothers is committed to providing accessible and non-judgmental support to all mothers, recognising that it takes a village to raise one another.
Whether you are a new mother struggling with postpartum depression, a single mother feeling isolated and alone, or simply in need of a listening ear and a supportive community, Villagehood Australia is here to help.
Our peer support programs will help you connect with other mothers, receive valuable advice, and build the emotional connections you need to navigate your motherhood journey with confidence and resilience.
We believe that with the right support, every mother can thrive and flourish, and we are here to be a part of your journey.
Peer support, an alternative way to protect the mental health of mothers
Participating in peer support programs like Villagehood Australia can have a positive impact on the mental health of mothers and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Research tells us that peer support programs can prevent and treat maternal mental health disorders like postnatal depression and anxiety and help develop stronger relationships with children and families.
By offering evidence-based programs that combine peer support and group activities, we aim to increase the confidence and resilience of mothers and ultimately improve their mental wellbeing.
By empowering mothers, we can help them create a secure and loving environment where their children can thrive and reach their full potential. "When a mother shines, her world shines with her."
We invite supporters to get involved and make an impact with us, as we work towards supporting the mental wellbeing of mothers and children in our community.