Terms and Conditions
By enrolling into a Villagehood Australia Program, you agree to the following:
"Try your best " to attend all weekly sessions throughout the program's duration to ensure continuity and maximise the program's benefits.
Have received your postnatal clearance from your healthcare provider for our Move & Connect program. This can be obtained at your postnatal check up.
Participate in a brief, anonymous questionnaire at both the beginning and end of the program to assist in assessing the program's effectiveness. The link will be included in your confirmation email.
Help create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere by demonstrating kindness and respect towards staff and fellow participants, helping to foster a secure and positive environment for all involved.
Assist in the setup and packing away of equipment and toys provided by the Community Centre and Villagehood Australia for communal use.
Assume all liability and responsibility for any risks, injuries or damage which your child / children may suffer whilst using the toys and equipment made available for use other than to the extent that such injuries or damaged are directly caused by the negligence of Villagehood Australia and/or its representatives
Assume liability and responsibility for all damage that is caused by your child / children as a result of the misuse of any toy or equipment made available for use by the Community Centre and Villagehood Australia
Keep your child from the facility when suffering from infectious or contagious illnesses
Keep your child by my side when moving through the community centre and not allowing my child be unattended at any time within the centre
Give permission for Villagehood Australia representatives to take photographs of you and your child / children for educational and/or marketing and publicity purposes (i.e. use on social media accounts for the sole purpose of marketing Villagehood Australia's programs)
Give consent to Villagehood Australia and its representatives to use and disclose both your and your child / children’s personal information to communicate with you, including about services, special offers and events which we believe might interest you
Give consent to Villagehood Australia interacting with you via social media and digital marketing