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First Aid | Caring for Kids Course


Caring For Kids Course, delivered by St John Ambulance SA, is designed for parents, grandparents and carers of young children up to the age of 12 and is delivered in a relaxed environment with no assessments and plenty of hands-on practice for relevant first aid techniques.

Course Duration

3 hours



$75pp (membership discount applies)



Caring for Kids is designed for delivery to parents, grandparents and carers of young children up to the age of 12. This non- accredited course is delivered in a relaxed environment with no assessments, but plenty of hands-on practice for relevant first aid techniques. The topics covered in this course include managing unconsciousness, choking, bleeding, burns, respiratory distress and anaphylaxis, with time set aside to cover the topics you choose as well.

This course has been developed in recognition of the special needs of the injured child as opposed to the general first aid principles covered in other first aid training.

Each participant receives a “Caring for Babies and Children’’ publication (valued at $24.95) on the day of course completion.


Course Content

  • Basic life support & emergency number (000)

  • Airway management

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in children

  • Recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis and asthma

  • Bleeding and wound management

  • Burns

  • Other topics as decided by the group



Participants with a language or literacy difficulty or other special needs should inform the training support staff or trainers so appropriate assistance can be arranged.

Please advise the course facilitator prior to course commencement if there are any topics to which you may be sensitive.



A Statement of Attendance - Caring for Kids is issued.


Provided Training Materials

  • St John “Caring for Babies and Children” publication

  • Personal protective equipment (for use in the course)


Certificate Renewal

St John SA recommends attendance at training on a regular basis to refresh first aid knowledge and skills and confirm competence to provide first aid. The Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) recommends the CPR competency be recertified annually.

Please be familiar with any requirements in your own industry and/or organisation.

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